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Social Distancing during the Pandemic

Like the rest of the health care community, I have been reviewing approaches to social distancing that will allow me to continue to offer services during the COVID-19 pandemic while minimizing risk of exposure to me, my clients, my colleagues in my office suite, their clients and the general public.  These approaches are described below.  If these are not enough to ally your concerns, please let me know. I will try to adapt them to address your concerns, but I may not be able to reduce the risk enough to make you comfortable. In that case, I will be happy to re-schedule your appointment to a time when the risk is sufficiently reduced.


As you consider whether to work with me face-to-face, please keep a few things in mind:

1)  We are all personally responsible for making our own decisions about what we need to do to protect ourselves and others against infection.  All clients are required to download, read and jointly sign with me the COVID-19 Agreement before doing any kind of face-to-face work together.

2) DO NOT come to a face-to-face meeting if you have a cough, sneezing, fever, shortness of breath, or may have had recent contact with someone who has had these symptoms OR has tested positive for COVID-19. All clients will be asked about these when they arrive. They will be turned away if they have any of them. We will re-schedule the meeting for another time or conduct it via telemedicine, when feasible. Any no-show or late cancellation fees will be waived in these circumstances

3) If I develop any of these symptoms  or have been exposed to a known or suspected carrier, I will re-schedule the appointment.

4) Please avoid all forms of physical contact between persons during your appointment.

5) The approaches listed below may change suddenly, as conditions change. Please check this website the day before your appointment for any updates;

Entering the Office Suite at 900 Westfall: In order to minimize exposure in our small waiting room, please:

1) arrange to arrive no more than 10 minutes before the scheduled time or wait in the car until the appointment time.  If you will be dropped off more than 10 minutes before the appointment, please text me at 585-831-1461 to let me know when you expect to arrive.

2) When you come in the front door, proceed directly back to my office. The door will be open. If you are unfamiliar with the office suite, please text 585-831-1461 when you arrive and I will greet you at the front door.

3) If you will be waiting for a ride afterward, please ask the ride to come as close to the end of your appointment as possible.  If the weather is agreeable, please wait outside for the ride.

Treatment:  During treatment sessions, I will maintain a 6 foot distance between us as much of the time as possible, given the size and layout of the office.  If and when one of us is required to self-isolate, we will be able to continue to meet through a telemedicine video-conferencing platform called (I am currently unable to be reimbursed for working with you by phone alone.) This is a HIPAA-compliant, video-conferencing service that is free and fairly easy to use. You will need a computer with an internet connection, web-camera and working microphone to use it. When it is time for your appointment, click or copy and paste the link into your internet browser, type your name in the box that appears and click 'Check In'. That will tell me that you are online. I will connect with you when it is time for the session to start. If you would like to arrange a time before a session to test the system, let me know.  Please note that this is a temporary solution. It is not a substitute for a face-to-face encounter in the therapy model that we are using together.


Evaluations:  At this time, thorough and valid neuropsychological testing requires the sharing of paper and test equipment between examiner and examinee. If your evaluation requires neuropsychological testing, it will not be possible to maintain a 6 foot distance between us at all times.  I will make every effort to maximize this distance during as much of the testing time as possible.  All testing equipment will be disinfected before and after every test session, although paper cannot be.  Before testing begins, I will provide you with a pair of heavy-duty, single-use, individually-packaged rubber gloves that I require you to wear while interacting with the testing equipment. I cannot provide a mask or hand sanitizer at this time, but you are welcome to bring your own.

© 2019 by John Langfitt,  LLC

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